Bibles for Believers in Africa
Dear All
Further to the prayer which you received earlier this week, some of you have contacted me expressing the desire to contribute towards Bibles for our fellow believers in Africa.
I decided the best way ahead is to create a Bible Fund so that we can provide Bibles as and when the need arises.
Here is how we envisage it happening.
~ No cash will be sent or transferred to individuals. We will deal only with The National Bible Societies of the Country concerned. Monies will be paid to them and then the Bibles will be collected from there.
~ Each request will be thoroughly investigated, and there will be a time lapse before the Bibles are purchased.
~ David Notman and his wife Carol will be coming on board to help oversee the transparency of the finances of the fund. (David has spoken a few times at the Kelty zoom meeting).
Let me make 2 things clear: I think it’s only fair to point that this is NOT something arranged by Kelty Evangelical Church. They as a Fellowship have helped with Bibles for 2 Churches in the past, and for that we are very thankful.
However this something I have felt led to start.
Secondly please do not feel that you must contribute. If you feel led to do so any gift towards the fund that would be much appreciated. But I would be very concerned if you felt you had to give.
Any gift you may feel led to give can be paid directly into a Bank Account details of will be given out…or by cheque.
As of now I plan to use an account in my name; so cheques would need to be made payable to myself.
Details of those who contribute do will remain anonymous.
Please contact me on for further information.
May God richly bless you.
In Christ
Charlie and Jill Sommerville.

Below is pictures of Pastor Zachary's Church.
Thank you all for your contribution to the Bible fund. Already we can fulfil the promise to supply Bibles to Pastor Zachary's Church.
We also helped pay to put a roof on the Church he built.
"Hello my brother how are you doing, those are the photos of how our church looks by now thanks brother for building us to have a shade.
I really give thanks" - Pastor Zachary